Special types of transport


  • ADR goods of class type: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8 and 9 (we do not transport explosive materials, liquid substances or materials which are of dispursed texture),
  • Our fleet of trucks are marked with additional ADR signs which are regulated by the required regulations,
  • Our team of drivers have additional qualifications in order to provide services within the transportation of ADR goods which are regulated by the law. 


gazy  gases

materiały ciekłe zapalne  flammable liquids

materiały stałe   solid, flammable, self-reactive materials and desensitised solid explosives

materiały samozapalne  self-igniting materials

materiały wytwarzające w zetknięciu z wodą gazy palne  materials which, in contact with water, emit flammable gases


materiały utleniające  oxidising materials

nadtlenki organiczne  organic peroxides

materiały trujące  toxic materials

materiały zakaźne  contagious materials

materiały żrące  corrosive materials


*we do not carry goods of class 1 (explosives materials) as well as class within the 7 class type (radioactive materials)